Picture ofElecnor: commitment to and expertise in the prevention of accidents at work

Elecnor: commitment to and expertise in the prevention of accidents at work

Elecnor's pledge to an accident-free future is part of the spirit driving a group that has rigour, expertise and reliability in its DNA. Since its creation, occupational risk prevention has shaped the group's business activities with a very clear objective: zero accidents.

This goal of zero accidents is getting ever closer, as shown by data gathered in 2020: the year in which the company recorded its best accident figures in Spain of all time. This is demonstrated by its accident frequency rate, which is down to 3.5 compared to 4.1 the previous year (representing the number of occupational accidents per million hours worked). The accident severity rate is also down: an indicator showing the severity of accidents taking into account the number of days lost for every thousand hours worked. This rate has fallen from 0.20 in 2019 to 0.15.

In pursuit of this objective, Elecnor has made a special effort in prevention through training, site audits and awareness campaigns. The latest global data available shows that in 2020, 1,102 internal site audits and more than 75,000 safety inspections were carried out throughout the group. In addition, more than 23,000 people participated in training activities to which more than 252,000 hours were devoted.

In its efforts to attract the best talent, Elecnor strives every day to create an attractive, motivating and safe place to work that also favours career progression. That is why more than 92% of the Group's workers are represented on health and safety committees: forums devoted to key issues such as work procedures and protective equipment.

A key component of the corporate pledge to and strategy for the prevention of accidents at work, is accreditation through the corresponding AENOR certifications in accordance with the OHSAS 18001 standard. This standard for the management of safety and health at work demands the highest levels of excellence and stringency to offer the best service to the group's customers, founded on the principles of loyalty, honesty, commitment and safety. Likewise, Elecnor is working on transitioning to the new ISO 45001 standard: a new global standard for occupational health and safety certification, which will culminate in 2021 with its system being brought into line with the new standard.

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