Picture of ARIA Project: Application of Integral Automatic Stakeout for railway catenaries

ARIA Project: Application of Integral Automatic Stakeout for railway catenaries

The ARIA project seeks to promote railroads as a key axis in transport and sustainable mobility policies, in line with the objectives of the European Union and the international community.

Elecnor, specialized in the design, construction and maintenance of railway electrification systems, is leading this project with the aim of developing a software tool that automates railway catenary layout. By integrating different design and simulation engines, ARIA will generate key results such as adjustments in the stakeout and the BOM (Bill of Materials), thus improving Elecnor's competitiveness at national and international level.

The project has the collaboration of CEIT, a technology center linked to the University of Navarra, with extensive experience in the railway sector. Its Rail and Data Analysis teams will work on the development of the project, supported by its participation in Europe's Rail Joint Undertaking.

ARIA is being developed within the framework of the HAZITEK 2024 program, with funding from the SPRI Group, the Basque Government and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

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