Picture ofElecnor becomes a Delegated Subject in the Energy Saving Certificates System (CAE System).

Elecnor becomes a Delegated Subject in the Energy Saving Certificates System (CAE System).

With the entry into force of RD 36/2023, of January 24, 2023, those works that have associated final energy savings may receive an economic consideration in exchange for the sale of these savings through the Energy Certificate System (CAE). This is not an opportunity to obtain aid but a reality that is backed by demand from energy marketing companies.

In 2024, more than 700 companies that market energy in Spain are obliged to make a contribution to the National Energy Efficiency Fund (FNEE) of EUR 780 million. Of this amount, 65% (EUR 510 million) can be replaced by purchasing CAEs (1 CAE = 1kWh saved/year), achieving economic savings if they purchase them for a price of less than 180 €/MWh. Now you pay for the energy you consume and for the energy you save.

Lighting reforms, air conditioning, building insulation, windows, control systems (BMS), motors, solar thermal installations... practically any action that involves savings (not photovoltaic installations) can benefit from this system.

In addition, since June 18, 2024, Elecnor has been accredited as a Delegated Subject in the CAE system, which positions us in this market to add value to our services, build customer loyalty and even improve our competitiveness.

Find more information here.

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