Picture ofElecnor reaffirms its commitment against corruption

Elecnor reaffirms its commitment against corruption

Crédibilité, engagement, rigueur, solvabilité et fiabilité sont les axes autour desquels s’articulent toutes les activités d’Elecnor

As part of its drive to further adhere to the principle of zero tolerance to bad practices in relation to ethics and integrity, the company has launched a new section on its corporate website setting out the group’s anti-corruption actions.

The Elecnor Group's structures its entire anti-corruption policy around two critical documents: the Code of Ethics and the Elecnor Compliance Policy, the organisation’s main anti-corruption and anti-bribery tools.

Thanks to this commitment, in January 2018 Elecnor became the first Spanish company in its sector to be certified as being compliant the UNE-ISO 37001 “Anti-Bribery Management Systems” standard. This is the foremost and most stringent international certification standard for compliance and anti-corruption management systems. In addition to this certification, a year later its compliance system was certified as being compliant with the UNE 19601 "Criminal Compliance Management Systems" standard: the main reference in Spain for designing and structuring systems for the prevention of criminal offences and risks.

Since its founding in 1958, honesty has been part of Elecnor’s DNA. It fosters good practices every day in its endeavours to operate to the highest ethical standards and implement mechanisms that avoid these standards being violated.

In addition to ensuring compliance with the law in each territory, the Elecnor Group is committed to championing and defending human and worker rights, and to working scrupulously and with integrity, with environment protection, occupational health and safety and the fight against corruption always first and foremost in its mind.

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