Picture of The Elecnor Group and certification, proof of the Group’s good work

The Elecnor Group and certification, proof of the Group’s good work

Soundness is one of the principles which has been at the forefront in governing all of the Elecnor Group’s activities since it was founded in 1958. Many years have passed since then and the sector has undergone numerous changes and innovations, but the Elecnor spirit and work philosophy have stayed the same. 

Throughout its history, the Elecnor Group has been awarded several different certifications in the areas of occupational safety, environmental management, quality management and the fight against corruption, which have only served to confirm the Group’s good work and reliability in all its activities and projects.
  • Health and Safety Management System certification under the requirements of the ISO 45001 standard.
  • The environment is of the utmost importance to Elecnor, demonstrated by the award of the ISO 14001 certification for its Environmental Management System.
  • In the area of risk prevention and quality management, Elecnor’s Quality Management System has been certified to the ISO 9001 standard.
  • Regarding to the Energy Management System, the Elecnor Group is certified in accordance with ISO 50001.
  • In terms of innovation, the Management System is certified in accordance with the UNE 166002 standard.
  • The Information Security Management System is certified in accordance with ISO 27001.
Special mention should be made of the Elecnor Group’s resolve and commitment in the field of anti-corruption. In fact, for years Elecnor has been committed to compliance, work which has been acknowledged by the prestigious certifications which the Group has received in this area.
Such is the Group’s commitment to good practices that it continues to improve all its processes on a daily basis. In 2021 Elecnor renewed all its certifications for the standards relating to both criminal compliance and fighting bribery. This only goes to further demonstrate the diligence with which the Group conducts each and every one of its activities. 
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