The Elecnor Group believes it is essential to create an atmosphere and conditions of motivation and trust for everybody so that they can share their opinions, doubts or concerns in relation to any situation whatsoever that may arise or that they observe in the context of their relationship with the Elecnor Group.

In order to aid this process of consultation and communication, the Elecnor Group has made a confidential channel available to its professionals and/or third parties with legitimate interests, whereby they can, in good faith, report and inform about conduct that is irregular or in breach of current legislation or the provisions of the Group's Code of Conduct and Ethics as well as expressing any doubts about this issue or suggesting improvements to the existing internal control systems.

All the professionals in the Elecnor Group have the obligation to immediately report any irregular practice, illegal or unethical behaviour of which they have knowledge or have witnessed.

Picture of Contact
You can also send your notifications by email to: or by post to n.º 72-48008 (Bilbao, Vizcaya - España) (to the attention of: “Ethics Channel”).
Picture of Contact

The notifications received through this channel will be analysed and processed confidentially and in compliance with personal data protection regulations, according to the Procedure for the Management of Notifications received through the Elecnor Group’s Ethics Channel.

In the event of anonymous notifications being received, these will also be analysed and, if appropriate, processed and investigated following the same procedure.

The Elecnor Group will not tolerate reprisals against those people who use the channels and procedures established in good faith to report potentially irregular conduct.

The respect for the presumption of innocence and people’s right to honour is one of the Elecnor Group’s guiding principles. All the people in the organisation in charge of managing issues related to regulatory compliance and integrity will exercise the utmost care in safeguarding these rights.
