Madrid, 22 le février 2024

Elecnor Deimos renews its certification for responsible management and good anticorruption practices

Photo parElecnor Deimos renews its certification for responsible management and good anticorruption practices

The Elecnor Group was the first company in its sector in Spain to receive the ISO 37001 certification in 2018.

Bureau Veritas has awarded the UNE 19601 and ISO 37001 certificates to Deimos Space, S.L.U. and Deimos Engineering and Systems, S.L.U., and the ISO 37001 certificate to the foreign subsidiaries Deimos Space UK LTD (United Kingdom), Deimos Engenharia, S.A. (Portugal) and Deimos Space S.R.L. (Romania), following the recertification audit, thereby verifying and confirming that their Legal Compliance and Anti-Bribery system is a fully effective instrument in the fight against corruption, in preventing crime, reducing risks and managing any illegal conduct. Both certifications are accredited by ENAC (Spanish National Accreditation Body), and endorse the responsible management and good practices at Elecnor Deimos in this area.

Elecnor Deimos has a robust compliance management system, strongly rooted in the Elecnor Group compliance management system, from which it receives constant feedback, and, at the same time, an independent management system at company level. Deimos Space, S.L.U. was one of the first companies in the space sector to obtain the UNE 19601 and ISO 37001 certificates (awarded for the first time by AENOR in 2019), thereby taking a great step forward in its sector in terms of legal and anti-corruption compliance. Since then, it has further reinforced all its policies, internal regulations and ongoing employee training, and is currently making progress in its ambitious digital transformation process for compliance management.

Bureau Veritas was the independent certification body responsible for the external assessment and control, in verifying that the company’s Legal and Anti-bribery Compliance System met the requirements specified by the national standard UNE 19601 and the international standard ISO 37001, for the recertification of both standards, which involved the reconfirmation and recognition that the company meets the Spanish compliance standard and the international anti-bribery standard. The certificates issued by Bureau Veritas have been awarded to the company Elecnor Deimos with a 3-year validity period.

“The corporate culture of Elecnor Deimos is based on business ethics and legal compliance. For this reason, the awarding of these new certificates issued by Bureau Veritas stand for a reaffirmation and an acknowledgement of the principles and values that guide our actions in the performance of our activity, as well as our commitment to transparency and good governance,” states Ismael López, CEO of Elecnor Deimos. To this effect, the company advocates zero tolerance, both internally and in its relations with clients, suppliers and partners regarding any type of criminal activity and, especially, in fighting to corruption.

“With these two certifications, Elecnor Deimos shows its commitment to good business practices and the strict control of any fraudulent activity that could occur within the Group companies,” commented Pedro González, Director of Sustainability and Corporate Risk at Bureau Veritas, during the certification award ceremony.

These certifications further strengthen the position of Elecnor Deimos as the leader of its sector and emphasise its commitment to transparency and integrity in all its activities. With its unwavering approach to regulatory compliance and corporate responsibility, Elecnor Deimos continues to demonstrate its leadership in the sectors where it operates.

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