Madrid, 21 june 2024

Elecnor, the first company to be certified to the standard of UNE 19603 on management systems relating to free competition

Picture of Elecnor, the first company to be certified to the standard of UNE 19603 on management systems relating to free competition

Elecnor has strengthened its commitment to best practices in compliance in the field of antitrust law

Elecnor has been awarded the certification issued by AENOR, for the standard ‘UNE 19603:2023 Compliance Management Systems in the field of Free Competition’ (UNE compliance standard).

This standard, which is at the forefront in this area and was published in November 2023, establishes the requirements and guidelines for organisations to develop a compliance management system in the field of free competition that is effective and in line with applicable legislation and the best national and international practices in this area, in order to safeguard proper prevention, detection and reaction as regards anti-competitive practices.

Elecnor, true to its firm business commitment to ensure rigorous adherence to antitrust regulations and to continuously improve its processes and procedures for management and control, has carried out intensive work over recent years with the aim of improving its capacity to correctly prevent, avoid, mitigate, detect and respond to any conduct that could possibly infringe antitrust regulations.

Sustaining this hard work and commitment over time has put the company in a position to deal with this certification process successfully only a few months after the publication of the aforementioned standard, meaning that Elecnor is the first company to obtain this certification.

This landmark confirms that Elecnor is a benchmark, both nationally and internationally, in its commitment to adopting the highest ethical standards in the development of its activities, a commitment that is consubstantial with its business culture and philosophy, and the solid values on which it bases the way it does business and its relationship with the environment.

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