Health and Safety

The health and safety of all those involved in its activities and products are essential values for Elecnor.

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Provision of material means that contribute to health and safety.

Emphasis on training in prevention techniques.

Development of awareness campaigns for the entire Group.

Ongoing on-site inspections and audits and the adoption of the appropriate corrective measures to correct the origin of deficiencies.

Although no company initiative can be effective without the full collaboration of all employees, who are requested to:
Perform their jobs according to the regulations, instructions and procedures regarding operations as established by the Group.
Use personal or collective protective equipment supplied by the Group properly.
Use equipment, tools, vehicles and any other resources used to perform their jobs in a suitable way.
Not to perform tasks that pose a serious imminent risk to employees. They should inform their immediate superior so that the necessary steps to be taken can be determined. Any actions taken to avoid possible accidents or incidents are always covered by this guideline.
Collaborate with the company in the continuous improvement of the system through the established participation and consultation mechanisms.

Actions aimed at road safety improvement also
constitute an essential axis in health and safety
measures, given that such a risk concerns all
Elecnor Group’s activities and groups.
