
At the Elecnor Group we believe in sustainability as the driver of global progress.

With more than 65 years of history, we have put down roots in over 50 countries, taking infrastructures, energy and services with us that unlock the potential of regions around the world.

Our approach goes beyond engineering and technology; it aims to put these resources at the service of humanity. We generate change, by building a sustainable future and improving the well-being of present and future generations.

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We generate change and well-being

We are a global company that is guided by a purpose through which we put people at the heart of our business model. We believe in the creation of shared values and sustainability as our cornerstones.

In the Elecnor Group we consider sustainability to be an essential part of each activity that we carry out and our business strategy. This is reflected in the relationships with our stakeholders, as we are committed to driving positive change and promoting well-being on a global scale.

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In a constantly changing world, every day brings a new challenge, a new difficulty that motivates us to be part of the changes in the regions where we are located. We build creative infrastructures, address complex issues and accompany our customers in their transition towards the future.

Achievements in sustainability
Our impact in figures for 2023
Picture of Environmental 1.67 1.67 kg CO2e/hour
We have increased our activity but have maintained the ratio of emissions generated per hour worked.
Picture of Social 1.7 Of frequency rate
We have achieved the best health and safety rate in our history.
Picture of Governance 73 %
of our financing is considered to be sustainable.

Picture of President

Committing to sustainability is profitable, not only from the social and environmental point of view but also for business.

- Jaime Real de Asúa · Chairman

The SDGs’ ally

We are one of the main agents in society’s development and progress. Projects involving infrastructures, renewable energy, water or the environment provide solutions to certain challenges in the present and future, such as climate change, reducing inequality and the energy gap, among others.

By joining the UN Global Compact, we have formalised our commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 10 Principles of the Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labour standards, the environment and the fight against corruption.

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Contribution to SDGs from the main business lines
Picture of SDG-3 Picture of SDG-7 Picture of SDG-8 Picture of SDG-9 Picture of SDG-13 Picture of SDG-16
Contribution to the SDGs derived from the social action of the Elecnor Foundation
Picture of SDG-1 Picture of SDG-4 Picture of SDG-6 Picture of SDG-7 Picture of SDG-10 Picture of SDG-17
An integrated management system with maximum effectiveness

Within the framework of our Sustainability Policy, we confer the utmost rigour on our policies on Environmental Management, Quality Management, Health and Safety Management, Energy Management, R&D&i Management, Information Security and Risk Management. 

These seven driving forces make up the Integrated Management Policy, each with its own specific objectives and strategies, but all with the same mission: the continuous improvement of the organisation.

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Underlying principles of our Integrated Management System

  • Our customers’ satisfaction.
  • Strict compliance with current applicable legislation and other requirements that we observe in all the markets in which we operate.
  • Prevention of damage to and deterioration of our employees’ health, by improving their working conditions in order to increase the degree of protection of their health and safety.
  • Prevention of pollution.
  • Efficient energy use and consumption.
  • Creation of a positive impact from our activities on the social environment.
  • Improvement of competitiveness through R&D&i.
  • Effective and efficient protection through a focus on information use that is preventive, perceptive, responsive and dynamic.
  • Integration of risk management into the organisation’s activities with a preventive approach which makes it possible to anticipate, manage and control the risks which the Group is exposed to.

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